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Creative Highlight: Meet the Litterheads

Three Pitch Meetings

When Mayor Jerry Dyer asked JP to create an anti-littering campaign for the City of Fresno, the answer was a resounding yes! Tackling the litter problem in Fresno is no easy task. With the mayor’s Beautify Fresno clean-up events gaining popularity, we wanted to capitalize on the momentum and deliver a campaign with a lasting impact. After three pitch meetings, the final concept was selected, and the work began to bring Litterheads to life.

Litterheads behind the scenes group shot of actors

You Are What You Litter

Litterheads started with a simple phrase: you are what you litter. With that in mind, our creative team envisioned a group of people transformed into various items by the act of littering, their heads replaced with coffee cups, cigarette butts, soda cans, and food wrappers. To complement the humorous and straightforward nature of this concept, our designers crafted vibrant and dynamic visuals. For the video element, we worked with Windsong Productions to shoot a spot featuring a cast of Litterheads with a cameo from the mayor himself.

Litter-ally Everywhere

When the creative work was complete, the mayor and his team held a press conference to kick off the Litterheads campaign, and JP went to work getting the message out to as many Fresno residents as possible. To accomplish this, JP launched web and social ads, billboards, and bus wraps. Litterheads were everywhere!

Spreading the message to Fresno residents that you are what you litter, so don’t be a litterhead.