Category: Intern-spective

Intern-spective: Grab Some Popcorn and Get Ready to be Motivated

Wondering how watching a movie or reading a book can help you prepare for a career in marketing? Well, in reality it won’t. But some


Intern-spective: Juggling Three Jobs After College

We all know the stress of having one job, now multiply it by three. Yes, I just described my life…. It’s been a hectic ride

Shaeley working from home

So, You’re the New Intern?

Being an intern should be the time in your career that you learn the most diverse skills from many different people in your office. You


Intern-Spective: Confessions of a Copywriting Intern

Hello, everyone! I’m thrilled to be the newest member of our JP team–more notably, the first intern the company has had in the creative department!


My AMA-zing Experience and The Importance of Getting Involved in School

Let’s be honest. How often were you told in college about the importance of getting involved in extracurricular activities outside of your normal school schedule?


Intern-spective: The Gap Between College and Adulthood

I recently started interning at JP and let me tell you, real world experience is extremely different from classroom experience. What is the purpose of


Things I Learned from My Last Semester of College

As I’m finishing up my last semester at Fresno State, I have been forced out of my comfort zone thanks to one well-known professor, Dr.


The Digital Showdown: Google vs. Facebook

Last semester at Fresno State, I had a team project in one of my marketing classes to create a campaign plan for Facebook’s tool, Custom


Intern-spective: Learning From The Best

Hi everyone! I’m Alexa Ude and I’m on the account team at JP Marketing. I started interning here at the end of September, and in


Rejection Can Be A Good Thing

Last month, I had the opportunity to attend the 37th Annual International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans hosted by the American Marketing Association. I couldn’t pass

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