Weekly Recap: 7/18 – 7/24

We had a pretty great week, and it looks like the Fresno Food Expo and Caitlyn Jenner did, too. A few of our team members are upset with Twitter; I think they’ll forgive the social media giant. But if you’re running mobile advertisements, you’re going to want to read this week’s recap. Let’s jump right in!

IMG_0231Three Cheers For JP! 

Of course, this is our favorite news of the week! Three of our very talented team members were honored with awards from the Fresno Advertising Federation. Instead of Judy, Peter, and Alisa, just call them Media Planner of the Year, Creative Talent of the Year, and a Nancy Theilen Award Winner – at least for today. And we brought our entire team along for the celebration! Learn a little bit more about these three amazing individuals in our blog about the event.




Twitter Learns That People Don’t Like Change

If you haven’t noticed, Twitter removed your wallpaper. One person in the office is upset that she can’t enjoy her clever cartoon background. Another had no idea backgrounds were still a thing, but was still upset that Twitter didn’t announce it was happening. The lesson here: People don’t care until you change things without telling them. Maybe next time Twitter will give us all a few days to let the news sink in before removing a pointless feature. But… probably not.(Source)





Your Smartphone is Scamming You

At least that’s what a report released yesterday is telling us. “Nearly 15% of all apps may stealthily load barrages of invisible ads that artificially inflate viewer numbers.” What does this mean for advertisers? You are paying for “views” that don’t exist! Not only does this make me mad on an ethical level, but how are we supposed to prove ROI if our ads are never seen? Thanks, frauds, for making me even more weary of mobile advertising.




Caitlyn Jenner Wins Over Audiences

Whatever your feelings may be, no one can deny that Caitlyn Jenner is killing it when it comes to ratings. I Am Cait is premiering this weekend and already has gleaming reviews, but my personal favorite came from the New York Times. The publication commends her motivational, inspirational, and educational goals, but says “…as a reality star she could take a few lessons in openness and spontaneity from the Kardashians.” Personally, I don’t think we need another Kardashian. What did you think?


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Fresno Food Expo Sells Out! 

Foodies from across the Central Valley converged on the Fresno Convention Center this week for the largest regional food show in the nation. Congratulations to the Fresno Food Expo on a sold-out show! Unfortunately, I had to vicariously live through attendees on Twitter and I know that with 915 vendors, I really missed out.
