Lucca Lorenzi | Account Coordinator

Without memories, what would we do?” - Mid-August Lunch

As an Account Coordinator, Lucca Lorenzi embraces the unpredictable nature of agency life, approaching it with boundless optimism and enthusiasm every day. A proud graduate of Fresno State University, Lucca was a Smittcamp Scholar. This highly selective program awarded him access to a myriad of educational opportunities that helped fuel his passion for marketing.

In 2017, life took an unexpected turn when Lucca discovered he had a life-threatening tumor known as Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma (JNA). During his time pursuing specialized treatment at Stanford's Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Lucca initiated an art supply drive for children in the hospital. These experiences led to a mission he holds dear: “Find the healing power of creativity in any space.” It's this unwavering commitment that drives him to work with clients and collaborate on projects that have a positive impact on the community.

Lucca is deeply involved in professional organizations, serving as the Web and Design Chair for Fresno's Leading Young Professionals Board. In his spare time, he also generously volunteers for causes close to his heart, including the American Red Cross of Central California as a youth representative and the Art of Life Cancer Foundation in Fresno. Here, he tends to a healing garden in Woodward Park and helps organize events for cancer patients and their families.

Beyond his professional life, Lucca is a passionate artist, runner, swimmer, and avid comic book enthusiast, particularly Batman and Spiderman. Lucca also loves to travel and has a strong connection to his family's heritage, as his roots trace back to Lucca, Italy. One day, he aspires to explore the beautiful country

  • Strategic Communication
  • Public Relations

Strengths: Achiever, Responsibility, Communication, Individualization, Strategic

  • I’ve met Stan Lee
  • I’ve traveled to 3 countries and 14 of the 50 states
  • My favorite food is calamari
  • I’m left-handed

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