How to Have a Successful Day

Success has different meanings to different people. While it’s really easy to get caught up in the many distractions of the world, I’ve decided to list some ways I set up my days for success. I hope they can help you, too!

Spend Time On Yourself First

I have to consciously make the effort not to check notifications or social media first thing when I wake up. So if you’re like me, instead of checking emails, texts, or who liked your photo on IG in the middle of the night, take at least 15 minutes for yourself to breathe and do what makes you happy. Things like listening to an uplifting video or podcast about doing good for the world (recycling, or getting the next person their coffee), just to name a couple.

Everyone has different morning habits, but whatever it is, make sure it makes you smile. That way, when the bearer of bad news rains on your parade, you’re in a clearer frame of mind to handle the problem and solve it. Also, you’re guaranteed a good day every day because you at least smiled once. Good thinking, right?

And if you haven’t smiled today yet, hopefully cute puppies make you happy.

Determine What Really Matters

Small things matter just as much as big things. With work, home, family, and friends, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with what there is to do. Instead of trying to do ALL of those things at once (which makes me really anxious), figure out the two things you need to get done personally and professionally for that day and make those the “no matter what” tasks. After completing those, move down to the others. Creating a to-do list is great, but only if you cross off what’s important to you to help feel accomplished and fulfilled. 🙂

Win With Others

One of the favorite things I love about working at an agency, especially at JP, is that you can’t win on your own. Winning with others ensures that you’re not just having a successful day, but the people you work with are having one, too. It creates teamwork and always gives you something to celebrate, even if it’s a small thing. That small task you won with others could be a big task to your colleague or be the beginning of an even larger goal being met. #JPWinsight

I’ve also created a little downloadable gratitude and daily checklist to help with getting you started in case you need something. Now, if one of your “no matter what” tasks on your to-do list happens to be about how JP can help your business and has been on your list for a while, send us an email at!