JP staff in office

The Importance of Checking In

Recently, a friend asked me if I was interested in joining her for a meditation and journaling challenge. I politely declined, explaining that it wasn’t really my thing. I’m the kind of person that’s always on the go, jumping from one project to the next. I thrive off of a busy schedule with lists of tasks to check off. I think that’s why I enjoy working as an account manager for a marketing agency so much. Each day is different; I get to take on new tasks and wear a lot of hats. It’s exciting! So, as you can imagine, the idea of sitting in quiet self-reflection and committing my personal thoughts to paper didn’t seem relaxing or beneficial.

Fast-forward to this past month when the JP Account Team was asked to participate in a self-reflection activity by filling out the “Dimensions of Wellness Wheel.”

The exercise asks the participant to be introspective and evaluate each category (listed below) on a 1-10 scale to indicate first their current situation and second, where they’d like to be. The exercise also asks for your feedback on what factors are contributing to your current state of being and what you can do to get where you’d ideally like to be (if applicable).

  1. Attitude/Physical Environment
  2. Career/Work/Power
  3. Financial Matters/Money
  4. Personal Growth/Learning
  5. Physical Health & Fitness
  6. Family/Friends
  7. Love/Relationships
  8. Social/Fun/Recreation

If you’re a person who likes journaling or creating vision boards, this is right up your alley! If you’re more like me (see first paragraph of this blog), your initial thoughts might be, “UGH. NO. WHY?!” (Sorry Jane! 😉) Imagine my surprise when I found myself actually enjoying this exercise. As it turns out, self-reflection can be difficult but also really rewarding!

Life, like a wheel, operates best when it’s well-maintained and balanced. This activity not only allows you to have clearer recognition about where you are in all aspects of life, it can also assist in evaluating the positive changes you can make to achieve your goals and make your wheel more balanced.

As we get into the busy holiday season and schedules get more jam-packed, challenge yourself and your team to set some time aside to check in and see where YOUR wheel is!

Click here to download a blank copy of the Dimensions of Wellness Chart: and here for the Dimensions of Wellness Wheel Example

NINA WASTE, Account Manager